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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Sunday 30 October 2016

Aftercare. I went to an out door fetish event today and watched a number of activities. Most of it was fairly hum drum and boring to watch. I did see one thing that was at first glance a bit odd but which also reminded me to make this post. It was a middle aged couple with a young male of around 20 years of age. They had him dressed as a sissy in lingerie and then bound him to restrict his movement. The pair of them worked over this kid for over half an hour with various straps, bare hands and cats with nine tails. They made his bottom quite red and marked it a fair bit with welts. They also worked over the inside of his legs, testicles and back with the implements. The woman mostly held him bent over while the male did the paddling though she also manhandled his cock and balls quite a lot at various stages. They eventually stripped him in front of a largely disinterested crowd and gave his cock and balls considerable rough treatment which didn't seem to stop his semi erection. Once they had finished paddling him they took him aside and removed his ropes and them lay down on the grass together and cuddled. The woman rubbed some ice bricks over his welts to reduce the pain while the male gave the slave a nice massage. The aftercare is very important when exposing a slave to rough play. This is what will stick in his mind and be part of the attraction for his fetish. Aftercare is not so important when the purpose is punishment as the aim is to make this session as unpleasant as possible. If the punishment is being given by a married partner then I think the aftercare is very important even in a punishment situation as you are trying to make the point that you have been totally disappointed in their behaviour but still love them. So my friends when planning a punishment or rough play session don't forget to consider the aftercare. Its very important to the slaves mental well being and future attitude.

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