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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Punishment. The subject of punishment often comes up in Master/slave forums. Quite often it seems to be restricted to some form of paddling. I am a firm believer in punishment both to reinforce appropriate slave behaviour and as a sexual release. Some slaves will get hard at the mere thought of a paddling. This will soon abate when they get down to the business of punishment paddling. The two forms of paddling are not the same at the bottom end. A punishment paddling needs to be severe enough to convince the slave that his actions/temperament need to improve if he doesn't want to get punished again. The release type of paddling needs to sting but is no more than a bottom warming exercise which he will probably want to recur. I also like to give some punishment just because I can. This reinforces our status in the relationship and so needs to be of a reasonable severity but should never be as hard as a punishment paddling.I also believe that ppunishment should match the crime and so punishment may not be a paddling. Once I caught slave 3 wanking. I made him stay in his room until he had cum 6 times. He was only allowed out for toilet breaks. Another time slave 7 kept me waiting at the station because he stood in the wrong place. I made him run home. I also use pressure positions. I have a slave adopt the sitting position with his back to the wall. This is very tiring and will wear them out in minutes. There is also time out in their cage or holding a coin to the wall with their nose and their hands tied. If they drop the coin they can't replace it and so you can safely go out knowing they can't cheat.

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