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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Tuesday 4 October 2016

First Inspection Part One
One of the most telling moments in a Master/slave relationship is the first meeting. The first meeting is most important because if it is successful then there is a strong chance that the relationship will progress and blossom. A bad first meeting will invariably end in a one time only play session. There is nothing wrong with a one time play session if that was the initial aim however if one or both of the parties was after a more long term relationship then disappointment and even giving up can be the final result. To ensure success there are a couple of suggested things you can do. The first is be clear from the start prior to the first meeting what each party is after. Spend some time discussing what you both want out of the event. Get a list of likes, willing to tries, and not if hell froze over kinks. Work out the limits and safe words. I always like the word "POLICE" as a safe word because it tends to grab everyone's attention and sets the scene for failing to take notice. Get some photos of the potential slave. Cock shots are always fun but a good face shot and clothed shot will tell you a lot about the person. Watch out for wackos. The best way is to meet in a neutral place like a café or McDonalds near to the play area. Spend a bit of time there talking face to face about what all parties want, like or need. This has a couple of advantages. Having to meet in public adds a degree of extra pressure on the slave as discussions of a sexual nature tend to attract eves droppers. There is also the chance meet with an old friend and the embarrassment of having to introduce you. It will eventually give the slave a chance to get used to you and gives you a chance to ram home your requirements. One of the hardest parts of meeting in a public place is identifying your target. I normally tell them to come in with a book under their right arm. I get there early and watch them for a while to make them sweat a little. Once your comfortable with your future slave head to the play area. I quite often prefer to meet at my place. My front porch is reasonably hidden from the road by trees but it is still feels very open if you have no clothes on. I have had some of my slaves strip off in front of me on the front porch. This really tells them who is boss. Not all slaves are up to this and so it is generally better to do the stripping inside. Find a nice comfy chair and have them stand in front of you. Get them to strip piece by piece on order. Take your time. Have them turn around frequently so you check out both sides. Make sure they fold each piece of clothing neatly and place them in the designated place. Make lots of comments along the way like 'You have nice muscly arms do you work out" or "you have a bit of a pot there which we will have to get rid of" or "you have nice broad shoulders" etc. Make sure most are positive comments but you need to include some negative comments so they know they have room to improve.

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