
My photo
I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Saturday 3 December 2016

Public Slave Training. I looked out the window and the weather had finally got better and looked like it might be a good day. I decided I would take slave 8 outside for some sunshine. I ordered him to don T shirt, shorts and sandals. Out into the big blue day we went and headed towards the shops to do a bit of shopping so slave 8 thought but little did he know. We got down to the shops and all of a sudden in the middle of the mall I ordered slave 8 to give me 20 push ups. This attracted a bit of attention and put a nice red glow into the cheeks of slave 8. We then wondered on and looked in a few shops. On exiting the last shop I decided to have a smoke. I ordered slave 8 to adopt the standing pose and then lit up. This in itself looked a bit odd and got a few interested stares but then to up the ante I started to blow my smoke into his face. I love the way slave 8 blushes. He very easily colours up which I find quite attractive.
We next went into a mens wear shop. Mr Bright, Bouncy and Gay (MBBG) arrived to serve us. I informed him that I wanted to buy underwear for my slave. This put a smile on his face while slave 8 nearly fainted. I advised MBBG that I wasn't sure of his size and asked if he could measure him so we get a good fit. MBBG was very helpful and went and measured slave 8 waist. I noticed that as he bent down to do the measuring his eyes never left the bulge of slave 8 package. MBBG came back with a few types of underwear. I ordered slave 8 to drop his pants in the dressing room. I then put on a show for MBBG and gave slave 8 a chastising for not wearing underwear even though we both knew he had been ordered not to put them on. MBBG had after an initial good look had turned away and advised that we had to keep the curtain closed while we made our selections. By the time we got to the counter to pay for the underwear MBBG was smiling like a rat with a gold tooth at the cash register and slave 8 looked like he was about to have a coronary. I announced to slave 8 that we would be heading home. His pain wasn't over though as I made him stand in the aisle on the uncrowded bus and made him hold up his purchases for me to see.

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