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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Monday 19 December 2016

In the beginning. I was pondering the other night when I developed an interest in Master/slave domination. As with most things in life it probably wasn't one specific thing as on thinking back there were a number of interesting things which got the blood flowing into the small brain. I think the earliest was when I was at school and about 15 years old. I went to an all boys school and anything vaguely homosexual would have led to a miserable life at the school. One day while waiting for a teacher (we called them Masters at the time LOL)to arrive for class, one of the least popular boys made some comment. I can't remember what it was but it seemed to piss a couple of the others off. Next thing I knew the boys had grabbed this boy, one on each arm while a third boy undid his pants and pulled down his jocks. There he was in all his glory on display for the rest of the class and there was not a thing he could do about it. The third guy then gave him a good solid punch to the ball bag and he was let go to pull up his pants and recover as best he could.
Later when I was in my early 20's I went away for the weekend with a group of guys. We used to drink quite heavily and so it used to get quite messy by the early hours. This particular night one of the guys was grabbed and they started tickling him as he had been stupid enough to say he was very ticklish. Next thing he had his clothes removed. It wasn't hard as it was a hot night and everyone was only wearing shorts. Hands came from every where and he was given a thorough tickling from his ribs to his feet. He seemed to enjoy it as he became quite hard and it was very obvious to every one. Someone (a supposed straight one at that) gave him a couple of good long rubs on the dick and he came to everyone's supposed horror. This guy also got the nickname of 'Tickles' from then on. There were a couple of other incidents along the way which happened long before I went to my first gay bar. The thing I think I enjoyed most about these incidents was the power exchange or more correctly the removal of power from the victim. The first gay bar I went to was a leather bar here in Melbourne. I went initially when it was relatively new and the front bar was still a straight suburban bar. I must have looked gay or surprised because when I walked in the old guys at the bar looked me over and said I needed to go out back to the poofter bar. When I went out the back a whole new world opened up involving Masters , slaves, leather, power exchange, bondage, puppy play etc. And that my friends was the start of a long love affair with the kinky side of life.

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