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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Out door training. I have probably misnamed this post as it was more out door testing. I have a visiting friend who I think has slave tendencies but I am not quite sure if he is ready yet to take the quantum leap. I decided to take him down to the Yarra River which flows a few minutes drive from my place. We took one of the canoes and set off up stream for a day on the cool water rather than swelter around the house. He is Indian and only been in Australia a few years. He is not confident in water so I had to gee him up a bit and make sure he felt safe in the buoyancy vest before we set off. As we pushed away from the bank I said "Fuck". He quickly responded by asking what the was the matter. I told him that I had forgotten the crocodile spear. I have a wicked sense of humour and got much enjoyment from seeing his eyes like dinner plates and the general look of horror. I reassured him that there are no crocodiles in southern Australia and we set off again with gusto. We paddled for an hour up river. The Yarra River is very beautiful near my house and you frequently see kangaroos and all types of bird life as you paddle along so its a great day if you want to show a visitor some of the country. We had to get out a few times to cross rapids and so by the time we found a nice bank to relax on we were quite wet.
I suggested we ditch the clothes to let them dry and we settle down for a bite to eat and a few beers. We are sitting in the river drinking when down comes a guy in shorts and sits down about 50 metres down stream. My friend says "what are we going to do" as we were both naked. Without even thinking I told him to stand up for a minute and his slavish nature kicked in and he got up without even questioning me. He stood just long enough to be seen and then sat down. The guy down the river got up then and removed his shorts and sat down again. He moved on after half an hour and we were left alone. Over our couple of beers we talked about a variety of things and sex is always high on the list of topics for my friend. He has a good solid 8 inch brown uncut trouser snake and in the current circumstances it was pleasant viewing as any discussion on sex tends to get him going and so he waxed and waned between a 50% and 75% erection. He made some comment about handcuffs and I said you don't need handcuffs as a good piece of rope will do the job equally well. I then got the rope I use to tie up the canoe and showed him how to use it to tie a persons arms. He got to a 100% erection at this point which was quite pleasant and unmistakeable. Needless to say I had to do something about that and let me just say that a long barrel obviously gives extra range. Next time he is down I am going to make sure that I secure the food and drink to the canoe with extra rope as I would hate to lose the supplies and some extra rope is always useful.

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