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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Friday 24 December 2021

Celebrating Christmas with slaves 81, 80, 77, 66 and 45.

I have to admit that although I am not particularly religious, I do like the actual Christmas holiday event for all the festivities that it generates. An excuse to catch up with friends, a reason to party and even see some of your relatives. Not to mention good food, lots of drinks and presents as well. Hell I would even celebrate Festivus, Diwali, Hannukkah and Ramadan just for the festivities. One of my favourite things at Christmas has got to be Santa. The jolly old fat man who gives nice boys like me presents. Hip hip horray for jolly old Santa. Looks like Santa may have had a bit too much to drink this year. He seems to have had a clothing malfunction. While the little kiddies maybe traumatised I think there would be a few daddies out there who were liking the show.
Oh my god it looks like Santa maybe also expecting a present.
Another must for Christmas is a tree. Tinsel, lights, baubels and a star on top. Some place to put all the presents underneath and a drink and nibbles for Santa and his reindeer.
Of course it wouldn't be Christmas without lots of cards from your friends and relatives. I like it when people send me funny cards or cards with fun messages. I get lots of cards with fun messages.
Once you get the cards its important that you display them so everyone knows how many friends that you have.
Of course Christmas would not be the same if there wasn't any presents. They always say that good things come in little presents but I like big presents.
Of course I can't always wait until Christmas day and so I sometimes make a little rip in the present wrapping so I can see what I am getting early. Another important thing if you want presents is reindeer to tow Santas sley.
This reindeer seems to have a red nose but I don't think it's Rudolf. I think the red nose is more to do with too many Christmas drinks.
He also appears a little eager to be hitched to Santa's sley. Look at the shameless hay burner bending over to take SAnta's special butt plug reins. He has nice big undercarriage contained by some nice cock rings applied to his balls. You would be able to see them easily from the ground as he goes over head.
Anyway all my readers have a great Christmas and hopefully 2022 will be better and virus free.

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