
My photo
I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Sunday 19 December 2021

A quick bit of fun with slave 66.

Once again, I was fortunate to have slave 66 contact me for a quick session. A quick session for us is a couple of hours. This slave likes to be tightly bound and so straight jackets and sleep sacks are his thing. It makes it easy for me as he has a nice body and I don't have to work too hard.
All I have to do is bind him in the encasement of choice and then edge him occasionally. Both things I like to do. He is quite special as I always get one load out of him each hour and so on a couple of occasions I have got four loads out of him over a four hour session. He hasn't disappointed me to date with his super power. Maybe we need to do a six or seven hour session to really test out his super powers.
Even with such a predictable scenario, I like to try and put a little something special into our sessions so that I have something interesting to write about and so he always is never quite sure where I am going. Fantasies are meant to be built on in my mind. This time I had incorporated three little novel twists. The first twist involves my preparation for Christmas. I intend to post a Christmas day blog for my loyal readers to enjoy as they scoff down turkey and plum pudding. I don't want anything heavy, just some fun photos with naked slaves, based on a Christmas theme.
The second little surprise involves my fellow Master Erotichypnosis. For this session I arranged for a second Master to participate in the session. So I had slave 66 strip in front of him and then stand there while the other Master totally examined his body. He ran his hands all over him, felt his balls, patted his arse, pulled back his foreskin and thoroughly enjoyed himself. Today as the weather is warming up, we decided to use the straight jacket, as we felt the sleep sack would be too hot to wear. This is where I also included my third little surprise, as I bound his legs in plastic wrap. So with two Masters tying up straps and bossing him around, it didn't take long for slave 66 to find himself nice and snugly wrapped up. We then took turns to edge him while he was totally under our control. After each edging session we would go out of the room to talk about Master stuff, while slave 66 enjoyed the solitude, snug body wrapping and a nice rest. In the two hour period I managed to get two loads from his long uncut cock. The second Master had to leave before we finished and so I finished off the session. As has become a bit of a ritual, we generally share a bottle of red after each session while we talk about what went on, what might be fun next time and what is going on in our lives. A very gentlemanly way of doing kinky business.

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