
My photo
I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Saturday 29 April 2017

It is not always a fairy tale ending with a no number slave. From the blog you may get a misguided view that I live a life full of great slave experiences. However it is not necessarily so as I recently discovered. I had been speaking to a potential slave for a couple of weeks on a kink website and he seemed like the real deal. He had not had a lot of slave experience but he had a fair bit of gay experience. His attitude was subservient and respectful and so I had big hopes that he might be a keeper. He was a very hot 40 something and from the photos he seemed to live in a nice apartment in a suburb just to the north of the CBD.
I was in town for dinner and decided it was a good opportunity to check him out in detail and so I made arrangements to meet him at his place. This was easier as I wasn't sure what time dinner would finish. I normally don't meet slaves at their places as I feel they have a certain psychological advantage. This can also be a disadvantage to them if you humiliate them really badly in their own house. I also find that in their own houses there is also a reticence to do some things in case the neighbours see or hear some thing. As I like to use common household items in my training it is generally easier in my familiar environment to locate things. It has some good and bad points and so I suppose Masters need to operate where it suites them personally. I advised this slave that I would text him half an hour out so he could be ready. He was told to meet me in a pose of respect and to be fully clothed. He originally wanted to meet me at the door naked but I like making a slave strip at my order as it puts them under more pressure. I arrived and pushed in and sat down in a comfortable chair. I told him to strip one item at a time. I got him to turn around each time so I could see the skin on both sides. Eventually he was naked and so I stood up and went and thoroughly examined him. I ran my hands all over him, in his mouth around his gums, down his legs and under his feet. I pulled the foreskin back and opened the eye on his cock so I could see everything. He was then told to bend over and place his hands on the couch. I opened his arse cheeks and had a long look at his hole. I then had him show me around the apartment so I could get an idea of what the play ground contained. He was then shown the three poses and made to practise them at ever increasing speed until I was sure he knew them. All was going well and so it was time for a chat. I got him to put a pillow on the polished floors and kneel on it while we talked. First off was him retelling me about his first gay experience. I then asked why he still had pubes. He advised that he had shaved his balls and arse but felt that a man needed pubes. Well I didn't disagree with the sentiment however he is a slave not a man which I pointed out to him. He was firm there would be no shaved pubes. This sent off alarm bells but as I had travelled to get there I didn't want to leave so soon. We chatted a bit more about his experience and I advised him that I would be taking photos of the session. It was then I realised that I had left the camera in the car. Not to worry I decided to make it into a positive and ordered him to put on a set of shorts (no underwear) and a set of thongs. My plan was to take him down to the car to get the camera and while there have a play with his dick on the street. It was dark and there was no one around. I wouldn't have done it if there was anyone around. The slave then asked if he could put on a T-shirt. I said no as I wanted him to be under a bit of pressure. It wasn't real cold out side but it wasn't real hot either. Well then I got a flat no from the slave. His argument was that he had to live in the area and would find it embarrassing. Really I said. What do you wear on the beach. He agreed he didn't wear shirts on the beach but apparently this wasn't the beach. I looked at him in disbelief for a second or two until he seemed to squirm under my gaze. I considered the situation and felt that the night was not going to go well. In less than 5 minutes I had got two "NO's". Masters do not like the word no as it shows less than full commitment by the slave. I felt that this slave was only a tyre kicker and not even slightly aware of what would be required of a real slave. I told him I wasn't going to waste my time on him and that he wasn't to contact me until he was ready to fully commit. Hence this slave has no number as we never got far enough to number him.

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