
My photo
I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Saturday 24 March 2018

Randoms.I get a lot of slaves contact me about training sessions. Most of them only contact me so I suspect they can have a wank over the discussion. Very rarely do they come up with anything of interest to me. Some can be quite extreme wanting me to castrate them or put them in perpetual chastity. Straight away you know these are just playing with them selves. Quite a lot make detailed plans to show up and appear very eager all the way through the discussions and then fail to show or message and quite often will block you out. There are others who will string it along with a number of suggested meetings which always get cancelled at the last minute. My suggestion to all these fake slaves is that life is too short. Get out of your collective chairs and live life to the full because in too short a number of years no one will be interested in you. Here are a selection of some of my randoms.

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