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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

slave 4 visit this week. Well slave four is down for the week and I have as usual been trying to get him used to more public exposure. Monday night we met at the appointed hour. He was on time but I wasn't happy with him. I told him to bring bathers with him in his luggage.
It wasn't so much what he said as what he didn't say which really made me unhappy. He said that he couldn't swim and didn't own bathers. Both of these statements were OK but flat negative. I advised him during the ensuing lecture that I made no mention of swimming. I expect slaves to provide me with relevant information but never the less they were to try where possible to meet my requirements. I would have been happy if he had added "but I will bring some shorts Sir if that will do" or "I will buy some bathers Sir". This particular slave is not real good in public situations. My plan for the night was to fill in the time between when he finishes work to when we went to gay mens nude yoga with a nice spa and sauna. Of course as he had been in chastity I wanted to increase the chance of him being embarrassed during yoga. So I made sure when we were in the spa that I edged him for a considerable period of the time. This was to get the blood flowing and those little dragons pearls of his working. The shower after the spa allowed him to freshen up prior to grappling with a nude yoga partner. I knew the nude part would stress him out so my plan was to advise him of the nude requirement just before we went in to the studio. He had been in chastity for three weeks prior without so much as an erection and so I knew he would be very edgy and likely to get a hard-on during the yoga session. This would have really stressed him out and is a frequent occurrence with new yoga guys. Unfortunately he figured it out before we got there and he was so stressed that he didn't come close to getting hard during the session. After the session we went out to dinner with the yogettes and so by the time we got home it was late. With a very early start the next day, play was going to have to be limited. To start off with there was a hard spanking for his poor response to my request for bathers. A good start as now I had his attention. I wanted to try out decorub on a slaves balls to see the effect. Dencorub is a liniment which contains menthol and heats the skin to deal with muscle pain. I offered him the chance for a full orgasm provided he signed up to the dencorub. After 3 weeks of chastity he would have rooted my cat to get an orgasm. So I tied him to his bed and with an ever so small amount of dencorub I started to rub it into his balls.
At first he said it felt cool and pleasurable however this soon turned to a look of shock. Quickly his face went red and he started to squirm violently. He twisted his body and started to scream out and couldn't form a cohesive word. He got so loud that I started to wonder what the neighbours must have been thinking. I started to wish that I had gagged him first but realised that as he was twisting so violently that I had missed that boat and would never be able to get it on him. I reached for a pillow to cover his head. This helped but it was like trying to hold down an enraged bull on crystal meth. I quickly untied him and dragged him to the bathroom where I tried unsuccessfully washing the dencorub off. I applied numerous creams and ointments and finally think more because the dencorub had lost its power, than the salvation of the creams he settled down. He was so spent that I couldn't get him hard again to give him his reward. Next morning his balls were fine, not red or damaged in any way. What a delicate flower.

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