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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Thursday 15 February 2018

Part five - slave 4's (whinging delicate flower)mind fucking. One of the important things that I engaged in with slave 4 during his visit was mind fucking him. This slave has social issues and really doesn't like crowds. In his home city his main Master and him normally train in private. I am more willing to take to public areas for that extra drop of humiliation. Humiliation equals pressure and that's what I like to apply to slaves in bucket fulls.
So how did I mind fuck him I hear you ask. Well let me tell you it required a bit of planning. It all started day one. First off I took him to nude yoga. He was expecting to go home for a training session and so he wasn't prepared to go nude amongst a group of gay yoga guys. Secondly I gave him information about it in drips so that eventually he woke up to the fact that it was to be naked. Lots of quick deep breaths followed and seasoned with a liberal amount of whinging. I was a bit disappointed in that despite his three weeks chastity his nerves ruled the day and we didn't get to see his tiny erect clit waving in the breeze at the other yoga participants. Damn. Once we got home I then gave him a choice. Knowing he had been in chastity for three weeks I was pretty sure he would want to cum. In order to up the mental anti I made him agree to dencorub being applied to his balls before he would be allowed to cum. In order to get pleasure he had to agree to certain pain. Brilliant if I say so myself. It turned out even better as he was so stressed out by the dencorub that he couldn't even get hard afterwards and so his cumming was delayed to the next day.
He was given strict protocols to follow each day. One of which was to get up before me and make me a cup of tea. This particular event was unplanned but worked out best of all. I woke up early with a hard on which prevented me going back to sleep. Normally a quiet intimate moment with myself would have resolved the issue however even in my tired state I got the brilliant idea of using my other resources. So at 0530 am, I walked into his room and turned on the lights. Oh if only I had spent a few extra seconds thinking about this and then I would have taken in the camera. When the lights went on, slave 4 shot bolt upright as he thought he had over slept and missed his tea making duties. The look of shock and fear on his face was priceless. He was then told to deal with my erection. Once I was happy, he was told to go back to sleep. Not all of his mind fucking involved public humiliation. On the third night I advised him that we were going naked for satan. He started his usual rapid breathing and questioning about what it would involve. A few knowing smiles and few subtle hints and he was quite panicky. He assumed I was taking him to some public event which involved nudity and his humiliation. Nothing is more powerful than a slaves imagination if you can hack at the weak points. In actual fact 'Naked for Satan' is a trendy roof top tapas bar in Fitzroy. The look of sheer relief was once again priceless when we got out the lift and he realised that he was going to keep his clothes on - for the moment. A lot of the things I had slave 4 do involved him being naked in my back yard. While it is relatively private, any one looking over the fence or walking along the council path will get a great view. I had great enjoyment giving him these tasks and then reminding him that he might be observed. It wasn't only back yard nudity because he was also made to strip on my front door step before entering on some occasions. While there are bushes around my front door, a slave standing there can be seen from my neighbours kitchen and also from the street to some degree. Character building for a slave who has public exposure issues. I suppose the other and last mind fucking involved him being edged for hours prior to being able to cum and only then when he had met whatever conditions I placed on him or until he had begged to a fitting degree.

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