
My photo
I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Thursday 24 February 2022

Slave 84 takes a tumble on his first visit. 10 Feb 22

Slave 84 came to me via Grindr which is a little unusual, as I normally get them fresh off RECON. This slave is married with a family but decided he needed a walk on the wild side with Master G.
I laid out a hood with covered eye holes and told him to just walk in to the house at the designated time. He was to put the hood on and then call out in a loud voice "I am ready to strip". I then came out and took control. I ordered him to take off his clothes one piece at a time until he was naked.
I felt his body up all along the way and commented on his good and bad points, like he was a piece of meat. According to his Grindr profile he is 47 which is usually not much good as evidence. Physically he has a body better than a lot of 20 year olds. Firm, muscly and hairy in just the right places. He has a nice sized cock which was erect from the moment it hit the light, until we covered it up again. Plump balls, thin trimmed pubes and the correct attitude. Todays bondage was to be very simple. I basically just immobilised him and placed him on the inversion table. I then edged him in the up right position, the upside down position and with him laid out horizontally. I used multiple techniques to masturbate him and had to be careful as I couldn't see his face for reactions. He told me he hadn't cum in two days and so I was hoping to build up a nice big load of baby batter for the finale. I enjoyed rubbing him around his balls and down towards his arse hole. Just teasing his virgin chocolate star fish to create a little tension, without actually going where no guy has gone before. Time was running out and so I inverted him upside down for the final release. I pumped him until he shot load after load all down his front. He had more wet spots than a lesbian foam party. Once he had recovered, I untied him and then told him to get dressed. He had to leave the mask on until I left the room. So a great afternoon with a guy who never saw me and who I also never saw.

Friday 18 February 2022

In the deep end with slave 64.

I was asked for a meeting with slave 64 and readily agreed, as he finds it difficult usually to get away from his family for a proper session. We decided to meet at a swimming pool local to him. I decided to freak him out a bit. He had to wear his bike riding clothes to the pool without underwear underneath and park at the far end of the car park. He likes the embarrassment of people looking at his small package.
I ordered him to get there at a specific time and told him he had to go straight to the change rooms and completely strip. He had to wear one large cock ring but nothing else. He was to wander around the change rooms totally nude until I arrived and he was to make no efforts to hide himself.
I also decided to be late to maximise the number of people who got to see him nude. I had to laugh as when I finally arrived at the pool car park, I got a message from slave 64 asking me to hurry up as he was getting stressed. When I got to the change rooms, I found him nude as directed. I carried out an inspection of him as the change room was empty when I arrived. It wasn't long before more people came in to use the facilities.
His other Master in the UK gave him instructions that when we met at the pool, he was to wear paper underwear under his bathers. The paper underwear had cum slut written across the front for added embarrassment. It took a bit of managing to get the paper underwear under his bathers as they are brief speedos and the paper underwear was grandpa style.
I was interested to see if the paper underwear would dissolve in the water. Once in the pool we did a few laps and I tended to rub his cock to an erection as we paused at the end of the swimming lane. After a suitable number of laps we wandered out to the cafe where slave 64 bought his Master a nice coffee. I wanted to do this not so much for the coffee but I wondered if we would have bits of wet paper running down his legs. No sign of the paper which was a relief to slave 64 no doubt. We went back in the change rooms and I let a few others see slave 64 nude before we got dressed. The paper underwear surprisingly stood up to the water and didn't even rip. Once dressed again I led him out to his vehicle where I had him do push ups for me in the car park. Another fun day.

Sunday 13 February 2022

Hanging around with slave 79.

Whenever slave 79 comes around it seems like we always start off with show and tell. Yes he knows to get naked the moment he comes in but this is not what I am talking about. Lately every time he comes around he has a new toy to show me which I think is great and shows how keen this slave is to serve. Today he brought a new set of ball weights. I like these weights as they are quite heavy and so emphasise his balls nicely. They also have a slide on metal loop which is easy to put on and seems quite secure. We tested them out by having him wiggle his hips to make them swing and they nearly set off the nearby seismographs. Brilliant. We only had a limited time and so I tied him in a number of positions in the play room.
I always like to edge him but balance it out with some fierce tickling. He goes off under both stimuli and produces a symphony of screams and giggles which are music to a Masters ears. Pretty much his whole body is ticklish which makes it very easy from my point of view. Nothing like grabbing a foot and tickling the sole while lying across his body to stop almost all movement. Under his arms and around his belly always gets a jerk from him and so it's easy to tickle him even just by accident. It's all very well for slaves to want to come around all the time but it eats into my house work time. Fortunately, I worked out long ago that slaves should always undertake some domestic service when they visit. It makes sure they know their place but also helps out the Master. I gave this slave the vacuum cleaner and launched him into my dust collection. He has always been good at sucking and did not disappoint me this time. One of the good things about slave 79's new ball weights is that they clank as he moves around. Therefore, when you give him a task if the clanking stops, he is obviously bludging and needs a kiss from the leather paddle. Once the floor was done to my satisfaction, it was time for me to play show and tell. I was keen to try out my new inversion table and was wondering if slaves could cum upside down. Somewhere down the track I am going to have to try and get one of my slave boys to cum in his own mouth while suspended upside down. I was a little disappointed that slave 79 had already had a wank in the morning. This session was a last minute window of opportunity and so he had had a wank and cum already. Normally I make slaves abstain from wanking for at least a couple of days, so I get a big load. Anyway, it was what it was and so I put him on the table and restrained his hands so that he was totally at my mercy. I then spent some time edging him in both upright and upside down positions. When it was time to let him cum, I tried to get it directly in his mouth but my aim and his range was off. Didn't matter as we got a nice spatter of cum from his dick to his throat. Gold stars and elephant stamps all round.

Wednesday 9 February 2022

Another visit by slave 66.

It's always relaxing when slave 66 comes around both for him and for me. He likes to be tied up tight in either his straight jacket or his sleep sack. He quite often falls asleep.
I go in and check on him every twenty minutes to make sure he is OK and edge him a bit because I can. Generally, I can get multiple loads out of him and over a four hour session I can reliably get four loads of cum out of him.
The weather during his last visit was quite hot and even though I had the air conditioner on, I was a little concerned he would get too hot in the sleep sack.
As a consequence we limited the visit to just two hours and I paid particular attention to making sure he was not over heating. Like old faithful he gave me two loads in the two hour period. As well as the sleep sack hood there is also a mask with a dick like thing that goes in his mouth. For added snugness I tie a few ropes around the sleep sack. The sleep sack also has arm sleeves inside which limit the arms ability to move. Luckily, I was onto the whole heat issue because halfway through I turned him over and unzipped the back to let in some air. He was clearly very hot and sweaty and it gave him a chance to cool down a bit when I wiped him over with a wet rag. Purely to make sure he had some blood circulation I also slapped his cute little bum a few times and opened up his arse cheeks so that those of you interested could see his mangina. I used multiple edging techniques on him and always find he gets just a little bit harder if I pull on the ropes as well.

Friday 4 February 2022

An Attenborough moment with slave 79. 27/12/21

As I have mentioned before slave 79 is very keen and is always surprising me with new toys. As his Master he naturally can't wait to show me each new purchase. This time it was a collection of metal hard wear for his cock and balls. I think he has a nice cock and balls but even a perfect cock and balls can benefit from a little glittery metal. On arrival he stripped without being told which is the sign of a good slave. He was already wearing his ball bling and so I only had to have a nice long look and feel to make sure that I liked the decoration.
As they dangled from his boy bits I had slave 79 jiggle around so I could see the effect of them moving on his package. It got a nice swing up and pulled quite hard on those orbs of pleasure. Today I had only a short session planned. I got slave 79 to get in my car but less his underwear. I think slaves should always wear less clothes than their Masters and nude where possible. Today I was taking slave 79 out into the local bush for some outside fun. As it was a nice warm day, it also meant that every other person in Melbourne was out as well. To avoid the crowds we strode off onto a track but soon stepped onto a kangaroo trail. I was pretty sure nobody would go for a walk down a kangaroo trail as they tend weave around a lot and are over hung with branches. This makes it slow difficult going for the average suburban human. It also means you can hear anyone coming long before you see them or they see you. We found a secluded spot with a few good bondage trees. I had slave 79 strip and then tied him spread eagle from a couple of trees. The ironic part was that we were not that far from a track on the other side of the creek and could clearly hear some of the locals having fun and totally unaware of the nearby bush bondage. I started the session with a few warm up slaps to his arse. Just enough to get a nice red glow to those smooth hairless cheeks. I had the forethought to bring the leather paddle which was the weapon of choice. As he was totally under my control, I gave his body a thorough examination and then pulled his foreskin back which he hates. His moist little knob is super sensitive and a few rubs has him squirming and twisting. While I was in the mood to torture him, I also tickled him a bit until he started to make a bit too much noise. It was around this time that I realised we needed to hurry up as we had been discovered by a crowd. A crowd of Japanese with cameras would have been preferable to the two or three million mosquitoes who homed in on us. I had on shorts and found it bad enough but slave 79 was naked and so he bore the brunt of the assault. I started to edge slave 79 but didn't waste much time stopping and starting.
It was all about getting him over the line so we could avoid the battle of bugs. Even though he had already cum earlier in the morning, he managed quite a good second load. Once he had shot his bolt I untied him and let him get dressed. We walked out and promptly ran into some hikers who we gave a cheery hello to as we passed. I doubt that they got as much fun from their walk.