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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Thursday 26 August 2021

Slave Review - Slaves 11-20.

CONTINUED. Let me give you a few examples of the pathetic efforts I have experienced at the hands of various Masters. One decided I was late (which was true, I got lost) and that I needed to be punished. He brought out a wicked looking riding crop which made me gulp. He then decided I needed to receive two whacks. Really "two". He then had me hold onto the door jam and he gave me two of the softest hits I have got from anyone. I barely felt them. Another stripped me and led me straight to the bed room. He said I want a massage and then I am going to fuck you. SLAVE ELEVEN.
To start on the massage I had to move a months clean and dirty clothes off the bed. Finally got started on the massage and found a very old back, covered in pimples and dark moles which looked evil. I barely got my hands lubed up and found a very old used condom had wrapped itself around my foot from his bedroom floor. Another sent a photo of a fine strapping guy of thirty years of age, in tight shorts but he turned out to be very fat and over seventy. SLAVE TWELVE.
It was almost necessary that I became a Master as it was the only way to see the job done properly. Now anything to do with sex is expensive and while I can afford it, I really don't like giving thieving bastards money for nothing. Closely followed by 'a fool and his money are soon parted'. So while I did buy some toys and equipment, I also repurposed a lot of common household items and also picked up some freebies from others, who were giving them away. One of the easiest to make and most useful things is a spreader bar. SLAVE FOURTEEN.
To buy one you are looking at $150 AUS. From a bit over a metre of wood, a few holes and some leather dog collars, I made one for under $20 AUS. A coat of lacquer and it was as good as a shop bought one. Nipple clamps can cost up to $30 AUS where as a set of wooden clothes pegs from the supermarket maybe $3 AUS. Bondage rope $20 AUS or similar from the hardware $5 AUS. I turned a saw horse into a fuck and bondage bench by adding some padding and red upholstery for less than $20 AUS. SLAVE FIFTEEN.
Now that I had slaves and equipment, I had to get them together. This is where Club80 was so good in Melbourne. A fetish club which unfortunately has gone under with the various pandemic lockdowns. Centrally located, lots of space, lots of like minded people visiting it and lots of big equipment like stocks, cages, private rooms, porn cinema, straight cinema and slings. I remember one night I was there thinking, how surreal it was surrounded by leather clad bears, as we all watched and enjoyed the straight movie Babe. SLAVE SIXTEEN.
One of the most common desires of slaves is to be humiliated. It's one of those things which is great as a fantasy but quite often not so much fun as you get carted away in the back of a police van. This is where Club80 was so good. I could take slaves for a walk around the club totally naked and make them present themselves to strangers for inspection. As all the visitors and staff of the club were like minded, you were not going to offend anyone. Even if the slave was shy, they got just as much of a buzz being led around naked but masked. It was easy to get a group together to really work over a slave or get a group of slaves to serve the Master. SLAVE SEVENTEEN.
Of course not all sessions were conducted at Club80. A few I did out doors which is always fun and of course some I conducted at my house or the slaves house. While out door sessions can be fun you have to be very careful. I think it is unfair to shock innocent passers bye and also dangerous as there is up to two years jail in this little town if you get caught. Part of the secret of not getting caught is careful planning and reconnaissance. The main objective is to terrify the slave mentally while reducing the actual risks. The slave only needs to think they could be caught and you will have succeeded. SLAVE EIGHTEEN.
So for any out door play I like to do a thorough reconnaissance at around the same time as the play is to be conducted. I once had a slave park in a parking area on a quiet back road and strip off and blind fold himself in his car. Unfortunately the quiet road was a major thoroughfare for people on their way home from work. You may not be able to eliminate all risk but at least reduce it. I had a slave who wanted to be driven around naked. I had him strip in the car and blind folded him. We then drove around for awhile up country roads. I kept giving him a commentary about cars and SUV's driving beside us etc which was all made up. If you are going to blind fold a slave in a moving vehicle make sure its not obvious or the police might get a report of a hostage. I quite often hide blindfolds with hats pulled down low and sunglasses. SLAVE NINETEEN.
Getting slaves to commit to a meeting can also be difficult. Unfortunately I don't have a great solution to this and can only recommend being honest and persistent. One of the reasons why I take lots of photos of my sessions, is that I use the photos to give other slaves a chance to see what can be done. Some have no real idea of what they want and so a picture can be worth a thousand words. Thats a thousand words you don't have to write. Once they commit, it can still be hard to get them to show up. I have been stood up lots of times by slaves who have chickened out at the last minute. It is not hard to text a Master and say sorry but I have chickened out. I understand this and will make allowances for it. If I get no message then I ban them for life and they miss out on possibly the time of their lives. SLAVE TWENTY.
This is one of the reasons why I created the blog. Rather than go into lots of detail about what I am going to do to them I just point them in the direction of the blog and then get them to come back to me with a shopping list of what they want to try. The blog is also handy when slaves only come for a session occasionally. I can re-read back over our previous sessions and make sure that there are some new elements incorporated into the latest training.

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