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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Loaning slave 3. I had an elderly Master contact me about the possibility of using one of my slaves. He had been in a long term relationship with a slave who had become his husband and over time it had drifted into a normal vanilla existence. The partner had died recently and the guy was wanting to get his eye back into being a Master. I sent slave 3 along to provide the service and I gave him permission to go as far as he felt comfortable and also to terminate the encounter if it was weird or he didn't like the Master.
The Master seemed reasonable enough and he sent a photograph which showed he had a reasonable body in clothes and wasn't some salad dodger. Here is slave 3's account of how it went. Thank you Sir for the opportunity in loaning me to another Master and for the chance to gain more experience. Although the experience had some low points it was over all a good night. I was told to ring the Master even though I had his address and the meeting details. When he answered the phone he didn't sound too old and decrepit. He didn't really have much to say but went into great detail about how to find his house. Clearly google maps was an unknown concept. The plan was for me to go over to his house for dinner and we could get to know each other and see what happened as a result. He had a long story about a number of steaks he had which he wanted to use and asked me twice about how I like my steaks cooked. I was put in charge of wine. I arrived ten minutes early and found myself out side a nice neat new house in an expensive part of town. Once I rang the bell, I was kept waiting at the door and was starting to wonder if it was working.
This added to the tension of meeting a new Master. When he finally got to the door it was clear he was a lot older than he let us believe. Rather than being in his early sixties it was more like late seventies. He had also not been to a gym this century and I suspect not often in the previous century. He was pleasant and welcoming enough so into the experience I dived. He offered champagne but I told him that I would stick to just a few red wines as I had to drive home later. The sleezy old bugger made comment about maybe there being no need to go home. We chatted for awhile in the lounge while we drank our wine. He was a very interesting person and we had lots of common experiences and interests. We chatted and all the while I noticed he was pushing more drink on me. He asked me a lot of questions about if I took drugs and was continually trying to steer the conversation into sexual topics. He stopped a number of times to have a smoke and it seemed like he needed a smoke every half hour or so. He cooked a very nice meal and served it to me in the dinning room. Seemed a bit the wrong way round for a Master. Once we had finished the meal, we went into the lounge room again and he tried to offer me every known drink. I think some how he wanted to get me pissed. As if I need to get pissed to be seduced. With no more food on the offering and no more drink advisable for driving, it felt like we were drawing to a close. I had thoroughly enjoyed the evening and appreciated the efforts he had made to feed me and so I wanted to give him something in return. So at one of his twists in the conversation to sex, I mentioned how he could spank me if he liked. Initially he said no as he felt he had too much alcohol running around his insides however I talked him around very easily. He went off and came back with some hand cuffs, collar and cock ring. He asked me to strip for the spanking and then as an after thought asked that I be totally naked. That would have been my first thought. I started to strip off for his inspection. I have to admit I like having to strip for someone who is totally clothed. I find this very exciting.
I realised that I was moving too quickly and so slowed it down, to add to the excitement. All the toys he put on me and then he grabbed my head and forced his tongue down my throat. This was very unpleasant as he tasted like a dirty old ash tray. Next he sat in an arm chair and had me drape myself over his knee. He then proceeded to give me twenty hard wacks with his hand on my rump. To each blow I counted and thanked him. He then asked me to stand up. I was asked whether I give good head jobs. What could I say to that but only yes. He opened his pants and pulled down his old white baggy underwear to reveal big saggy balls under a not very significant uncut cock. I started to suck his cock but it tasted like cigarettes and was as bad as his mouth. After a few minutes sucking it hadn't got any bigger or harder but it was dribbling pre-cum. I went down again for a couple of more minutes but it still was defying my best efforts. At this point I got up and had him remove the hand cuffs. I then got dressed and prepared to go home. I thanked him for a good night and a nice meal. He pressured me to agree to a future meeting but I decided it wiser to not commit. While I liked his company, I really couldn't get past his bad smoking habit and all the side effects that smoking produces. Thank you Sir as I did enjoy the experience.

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