
My photo
I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Saturday 11 March 2017

Out Doors. There is nothing healthier than being in the wide open outdoors. This week I had slave 7 come over for a session. Unfortunately I decided we would need to eat first and we made the mistake of visiting a Mexican Restaurant for dinner. Well Mexican without Margaritas is like a pie without sauce. Not being familiar with the restaurant and faced with a waiter of dubious residency status we ended up with a big bowl rather than a glass each of the tequila bliss. After a great meal we came back to my place for a session. Well as usual on arriving home slave 7 new to remove his clothes. I had the taste and so had him serve me wine. I also made him drink wine. Lots of wine. Once we had finished the wine we started on the Frangelico. In between him serving drinks I would take him out side every so often so I could relieve myself and also give him a nice warm drink to wash down the alcoholic offerings.
While out on one of these piss breaks I realised how warm a night it was and also how dark, as the moon hadn't risen. This gave me a great idea. I grabbed a lead and took slave 7 for a walk around my town. By this stage it was past midnight and not a weekend and so it was very quiet. slave 7 was mortified but fortunately he was compliant. We walked around the town for around 20 minutes. Me in leather chaps and nothing else, him totally naked except for his collar. This was very exciting and I highly recommend it to any one else. We did keep to the shadows but other than that we were open to any prying eyes. What a sight it would have been.

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