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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Not so straight. I am amazed at the number of straight boys who contact me and want me to tie them up and humiliate them in various ways. Of course they generally don't admit to being straight but it tends to come out later. One of the give-aways is when we get down to anything anal. All of a sudden they are virgins or can't take the pain or don't want to catch anything even with a condom. The only reason I can think of for this phenomenon is they are too frightened to discuss it with their partners. Once the cat is out of the bag you can't pull it back and go back to the good old boring sex days. So it is safer to just play around with a guy off the web.
That is also another point. When a married guy plays around with a guy off the web they feel its not cheating as it is not with a woman. Therefore if ever challenged by the boring love of his life he can say with hand on heart and clear conscience that he hasn't been having an affair with another woman. There is also a bit of self protection generated by guys because of the stigma and general persecution of gays over millennia. Gays are used to hiding in the shadows, and are unlikely to out you to your wife as there is a certain amount of self interest in remaining anonymous even amongst out gays. In some parts of the world it is not considered gay if you have your dick sucked by a guy or if you root a guy. This is because it is seen as the masculine roll. The other guy doing the sucking or receiving of dick is not only gay but could face death by execution. It is also easier to pass a guy off as just a mate. I would like to see the brave guy who went home to the domestic boss and told her he was going camping with a female friend. This then opens another one of Pandora's boxes. How many straight guys go camping while camping? I know from my experience that I haven't had anal sex with a straight guy on a camping trip but I have sucked and played with dick. Even numerous dicks. Woman have also been accused of shagging up the corporate tree. I wonder how many straight guys have had it off with the male boss to get that little bit further. I know I have had a few offers from married guys when I was out being bossy. Just a few points for you all to ponder. I would be interested to know how many of you have had any of these experiences.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes I agree but I wouldn't say they are more open. I find that they are generally doing it behind their wives back and so are more paranoid or cautious.

  3. Hello Sir, I enjoy your blog and I am in Vic Aus, and would very much like to make contact with you. what is the best way to make contact?

    1. I can be contacted through RECON. My profile is MasterInSearch. You can also contact me through here but I would appreciate it if you add comments to the latest post or I have to troll through all my posts looking for your comments.
