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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Balls. Today I thought I might talk about balls. These are amazing things that males have and provide endless possibilities for the imaginative Master. Initially if I have any doubts about the sincerity of a potential slave (which is most of them) I normally give them a task. Usually this involves them providing a current picture in the nude with their Nikes in the photo to prove its current(so they think). I then later request a photo with the same running shoes but this time suspended from their balls by the laces. When I am inspecting a slave for the first time I like to give his balls a real good going over to make sure he understands who owns them and also to impress upon him his position in the big scheme of things. I roll them between my fingers and feel all around them which is very uncomfortable for the slave. I usually give them a slap to gauge their pain threshold. Once I start training the slave there are endless possibilities for my ball collection. I like to suspend weights off them some times or have the slave drag a weight suspended from his balls. This allows me to test their endurance and determination. In order to do this you need to be able to tie them up. This can be challenging if the balls are small as they tend to run around and slide out of loops if you are not careful or if its a bit on the dark side. Nothing like a bit of chastity to also show the slave your superiority. Endless edging and lack of being able to cum leaves the wearer (notice I didn't say owner) of the balls very frustrated and unfulfilled. The sensitive nature of balls is also useful for punishment or discipline. Pegs and clamps on balls hurt when they go on and hurt far more on removal. I like slaves to beg me to take them off as it makes them choose between long term pain or short term excruciating pain. If I am providing a maintenance paddling I like to make sure the slaves balls are well out of the way of the action. If its a punishment paddling then the balls are fair game and I like to rope them so they protrude to increase the hits they receive. Balls also make a great place to grab in order to make a slave move into a new location. I also like to tie the balls up with a spare loop so I can attach a lead. I attach a lead when ever I am in a sex club and want to show off the slave. It is also handy for pony play. Rather than a bridle attached to their mouth, I find I am able to have the slave change direction just as effectively if the reigns are attached to his balls. Balls are also useful when used as reminders. I some times put a pad lock around a slaves balls. This provides an uncomfortable and constant weight even under underwear and so acts as a reminder of their servitude when they are not in your company. As they are a lock they also have no way out until you decide to free them if you control the keys. Be careful when you snib the lock as I have accidentally caused bleeding and bruising by catching his scrotum. Another use for balls is to tie bells around them. Give the slave tasks and you can hear when he is working or bludging off by the frequency of the ringing. It also acts as a weight which we have previously discussed. In an earlier blog I mentioned how I like slaves to walk in front. I have found that a rope tied around the balls and rolled out under his crutch and up over the rear top of his jeans is also handy. Tie a loop in the end and when the slave is walking in front just tug on the loop rather than waste energy ordering him to stop. A yank to either side will also direct him to turn. In conclusion I hope I have given you a few ideas of what to do with a set of slave balls. They are one of the few things of use to a Master.

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