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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Tuesday 28 February 2023

It's a slut-a-rama with slave 91.

Another quick hook-up with a slave. Just the way I like it. This slave arrived at the designated time. I opened the door for him and invited him into the doorway but made him stop on the threshold.
Today I had decided to strip the slave in the doorway with the door open. It just adds another little bit of extra stress to the occasion. Once I started to get his clothes off, I found a little hidden secret or two. Some of his under clothes were girls clothes and right at the end I found his uncut cock locked in a cock cage and a pink one at that. He also brought in a big box of gear with him. In his profile he said he liked spanking and pain and so we started with the spanking game. We had three goes at it and he did throw up a 64 for whacks with the thick leather belt on one occasion. That many hard whacks with the thick leather belt would leave a slave unable to play and so I had to moderate the intensity. I used the last four whacks on his balls to give his arse a break. He brought his own thick heavy wooden paddle. I was wanting to try it out and so I placed the weapon die on to it and let him throw for the number of whacks. Unfortunately it was only a two but it was enough to let me know that it was a great weapon. Now in his box he had brought his collection of girls clothes. I am always up for a slave fashion show and so I had him model his outfits. He really slutted it up for the photos.
I added a few beauty tips of my own including a hood, collar and three cock rings to stretch his balls firmly. Into the bed room where I stretched him out. He said he was into CBT and tit play and so I used my pegs on his balls and tits. This hurts but looks good and so I only leave them on them for a short time. I wanted to expose him to lots of stimulation and so I got my little pin wheel out and ran it around his sensitive parts. I followed this with a tooth brush over his tits and balls. The strange thing about this was that he thought I had used ice on him. Next I found he was ticklish and so I tickled the soles of his feet which got him going. Here in Australia if someone is going to piss we quite often say we are going for a 'we'. I always find this funny as you go by your self usually and so there is no 'we' and we should say we are going for an 'I'. Anyway, the slave advised that he needed a we. In his case it was a we as I invited all of you to watch him piss into the toilet. It was my turn for some fun and I got him to give me a head job. Not the best head job ever but also not the worst. It was time for another 'we'. This time it was me providing the we and him drinking it and wearing it. I really hate dirty slaves and this slave suddenly smelt of piss. I made him have a supervised shower with me watching and directing him on how and what to wash. Now our time was nearly up and so I was about to send him home. I gave him some homework which required him to pick up a random guy and send a video of him practising his head job technique. Practise makes perfect or at least improves the skill. I also relocked him in chastity with a numbered cage lock and no indication of how long I would leave him locked. No doubt something for a further post.

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