
My photo
I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Monday 28 December 2020

It's just a walk in the park for slave 6.

Slave 6 is one of my oldest serving slaves and yet is still quite young.
He has a fetish for corporal punishment and can take a considerable beating on his arse which is generally accompanied by a rock hard erection. I like to edge him mercilessly while smashing his arse with my implement of choice. He has both nipples pierced and they are joined to his cock by a sex nerve which when tweeked puts extra iron into his good sized cock. Earlier on in the year I cut him loose as I was finding I was waiting around for him far too often. He works two jobs and a lot of our meetings had to be very late at night. He is not a great communicator and so he was frequently held up resulting in me hanging around wondering what had happened to him. During the lockdown we got chatting over the Great Slave Challenge of 2020 and I decided most uncharacteristically, to give him another chance. Finally he was free last night and so we decided to meet for drinks .... or so he thought.
He has put considerable effort into exercise during the lockdown and managed to lose 12 kilograms which was an amazing effort. I was very interested to see how he had come up in his new body. He arrived a few minutes after me and I ushered him into the car park behind the shops. He looked at me quizzically when I asked him to step around to the passenger side of his car. This was the side of the car which was away from the car park entrance. At this time it was still very much daylight although dusk was approaching. I shoved him into the passenger front seat doorway and bent him over the seat. I then reached around him and undid his belt and pulled his pants and jocks down. Like magic I produced my leather paddle and set too his arse with the gusto of a boxer on crack. It was a real crack attack on his crack. Within a short period of time I had got a nice red glow coming from his arse. While paddling his arse full strength I reached around him and gave his cock some loving and his nipples some delicate fingering.
It wasn't long before the blood started to fill his cock and it started to grow and then grow some more. Unfortunately at this time a car drove into the car park and I had to cease and let him rearrange his clothes again. We then wandered off and had a nice dinner and then went and saw a movie. On our way back to the car we stopped at an empty bar and sat out side to drink. Within five minutes the bar was full of punters. Clearly attracted by the two hunks sitting at the tables out side. Amongst the punters was Mr Six Foot Two Blonde Hair and Muscles with two drunk girls. He went into the bar and bought a round of drinks only to find that the two rude scrubbers had left him holding the drinks. Not a nice thing to do and one which no doubt will give him a twisted view of females which will be played out on some other woman in the future. Back at the car I gave slave 6 a few more whacks on the arse before deciding to call it quits. I had barely got in the car and driven off before slave 6 text me begging me to continue on his arse.
I suggested a park near the river and we met again in the car park. I was surprised when he got out of his car that he had stripped to just his jocks. Surprised as we had a 50 metre walk to the bridge and then a couple of hundred metres walk on the other side. We found a good spot and I removed his underwear. Now he was totally commited. I started to whack his arse with the leather paddle and my hand. I also used the paddle handle on his arse for a slightly different feel. I reached around to the front side and edged him and alternated between his nipples. Needless to say his cock was like a flag pole almost instantly. All the while we were in clear view of anyone walking down the path or possibly also from the bridge. It was quite a chilly night and so this was going to be a short session. After making his arse rosy pink and glowing hot, I let slave 6 drop a big cum load into the park. Another great session.

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