
My photo
I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Saturday 13 June 2020

Well I finally met slave 52 in person. - Part three. This session had been good but as he had cum it was desirable that he had time to recover.
We could have sat around like a stale bottle of piss but I decided to take him for an out side adventure. In our discussions, slave 52 had told me how much he liked my task which required him to only wear a cock cage and get photos of him driving around his town and local area. I live in a semi-rural area, on the edge of Melbourne, with lots of local bush. The day out side was freezing with snow expected down to 1000m and with the lock down it seemed like a perfect day to do some out door stuff, with little chance of being caught. How little I knew. Every local resident seemed to be out with their dog, kids and grand mothers, at the various parks we visited.
At the third park we visited, we were met by a mob of 6' tall grey kangaroos on the way in and so I expected that the car park would be deserted. Once again wrong. The car park was full of idiots about to go kayaking down the Yarra River. The fourth park I couldn't get to because of road works and the road being closed. This was turning into the day from hell and slave 52 was starting to wonder what I was up too. The mood seemed to be heading in a downward direction. In desperation I headed to a park very close to my home which is smaller but quite often deserted.
Finally the park God was smiling and we found the park deserted. I directed slave 52 to follow me and we headed into the bush. It didn't take long before we were hidden from the road. He was then told to remove all his clothes. Once he was totally stripped I took a few photos to remember the occasion. You will notice how nice he looks with his dog collar around his neck. We had to be fairly quick, as there was a good chance he could die of hypothermia due to the weather. His cock did disappear a little bit due to the cold but it is still a nice size. I got him to wank it a bit but due to his recent cumming and the cold it didn't help much. He is a little bit of a show off as he bent over and spread his arse cheeks, so that you could all see his mangina.
I like the way his balls hang down in this photo. I wanted the out side photos to please one of my fellow Masters (ob2mst on RECON). He said he would have liked to see more of him after the "driving naked in the car task". He felt being in the car in a cock cage while trying to get some scenery in the photo didn't show enough cock. So this is for ob2mst. After I had enough photos we headed home for the next part of the session. I had him strip again in the lounge room. This time I placed a rubber ring around his balls to really accentuate them and show off his cock to the best advantage. This is where I made a mistake. I had him bend over with his hands on the couch and started to whack his arse with the wooden spoon and also give his balls a few not so gentle taps.
As well as the ball ring I put a bridle gag on him and had him bite on that which made it difficult for him to talk to me. This really seems to turn him on and before I knew it he was rock hard yet again. Unfortunately he seems to like this a little too much and so for the second time we had an unexpected cumming. This time leaving a puddle on my floor. I am glad he liked it but I need a slave to know in plenty of time, that he is about to cum, so I can hold it off. Any way it had happened and there wasn't much we could do about it. He clearly was not going to be interested again for quite awhile and so we decided to finish the session. Even though we had some unexpected cumming, I still thought it was a good day. I would have liked to try a few more different things on him but it was not to be.

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