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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Saturday 20 June 2020

More of slave 52. The lockdown has created a lot of change in the way we do things.
One activity which has had to change is the way we exercise. The days of a gym might be over, as you can't have people using equipment with other peoples sweat. Don't get me wrong, the smell of a guys sweat can be a real aphrodisiac as long as its fresh. Even better when the sweat has been as a result of a slave having to work out at your behest. Sweat though is an excellent vehicle for the virus to latch onto its next victim. I like slaves to exercise each day so that they are fit and healthy and nice on the eye. Forced exercise is very exciting for a Master and demonstrates his power. It is a great way of also putting a slave under pressure and driving further into their little minds and over riding their will. One of my favourite exercises for a slave is sit ups. The slave is on the ground, naked on his back to start this exercise. The perfect place for a slave with the Master standing over him in the superior position.
His genitalia on full display and his body totally at the mercy of the Master. It is fun also to watch the slave do this with an erection however in this case the slave was in a cock cage which is even more fun. This exercise is also quite difficult and so the Master can apply a lot of pressure by being very demanding about how many repetitions and for how long the slave is made to perform this exercise for the Masters enjoyment.
It can also be used for punishment. Another obvious exercise choice would be push ups. These are good for arm strength and makes the slave useful for labouring tasks. His tool chest is not on display during this exercise but it does show off his arse nicely. A foot placed just under his balls can keep the slave moving with a very light flick of the toes. Lifting weights is also good as it makes slaves look terrific, if they do it often enough. My all time favourite exercise for slaves though is star jumps, when they have an erection. Nothing looks funnier than a slave sweating over star jumps while their erect cock is flailing around like a wind mill.

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