
My photo
I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Monday 17 September 2018

I don't give a fig or do I? Part two. What is kink. The more I get involved the more I get confused. When I was just starting out discovering sex, I thought that kink was black small underwear. As time has gone on I have tried almost everything except animals, children and scat and I have no urge to cover these three bases. Some of the so called kink I now consider fairly normal and so I hardly raise an eye brow when I find out that some politician has been caught with his hand in the secretary. Yet I am sure I would have a hard time convincing the local magistrate that it is normal to tie up my boyfriend and put pegs on his nuts.
To some people kink is really personal. Some people seem to get turned on by some of the most mundane things like a naked foot or conversely a sock covered foot. You or I might think that was just so uninteresting and limited. My last slave 38 was right out there with his particular interests. After starting our session with some pin wheel action and burning candles poking out of his urethra we had to move on to the next item in his list of things to try out. For those new to kink figging is when ginger is inserted into the urethra or anus. It generates a strong burning sensation without actually burning these sensitive parts. I visited the local green grocer prior to this session and purchased a large knob of fresh new season ginger. I cut a thin sliver of peeled ginger off the knob and inserted it in slave 38 urethra. He seemed a bit disappointed with the results, so determined to get an effect, I cut a bigger piece and inserted it hoping to get better wall contact. At the time he was dripping pre-cum and so this may have effected the results as well. This seemed to work and slave 38 seemed to really enjoy the sensation as he squirmed on the bed tied spread eagle. The effect of the ginger seemed to be quite long lasting and it could be given a new lease of life if every so often you gave the ginger a bit of a jiggle or turn.
It was at this point slave 38 told me that he had bought some English mustard to the session. I am not sure how English mustard works but both slave 4 and I know how dencorub (a liniment) works. I put a tiny amount of dencorub on slave 4 once and he quickly went red and started bellowing in pain to the point where I had to try and smother him to stop the neighbours panicking. See my six part entry in February 2018. This slave seemed to like pain and so I was keen to give the dencorub another try to get a real feel for its effectiveness. slave 4 is a very delicate whinging flower who is not really a good indicator of the effect of some BDSM activities.
So I lathered a small amount of the dencorub around slave 38 balls. I asked him how it felt and he replied that it was a bit disappointing. He had barely got the words out when he felt the dencorub kick in and his balls exploded in virtual flame. To be fare he coped a lot better with it than slave 4 but he did advise that it was really intense. Unfortunately once dencorub is applied you have to let it run its course, as it doesn't wash off and most of my bathroom lotions and potions had no effect on it. So he squirmed and twisted for the 30 minutes it took to wear off. At the end his balls were none the worse and all skin was intact. I felt he needed something to take his mind off the dencorub so I brought out the pegs and placed a few around his balls. For someone who gets off on pain he didn't react well to the pegs and so I had to remove them after just a short time. Time for a break but even a rest is not always relaxing when I am your Master. As previously mentioned slave 38 is not into public humiliation. So I untied him and put a mask on him. You could see the quizzical look on his face as I did this and handed him a plastic bottle. I sent him very grudgingly in the nude to the bathroom to fill the bottle with water. Unfortunately just as he came out one door of the bathroom two members walked into the other door and so they didn't get to meet.
Timing is everything. Once he got back I tied him in a kneeling position on the bed with his hands behind his back. He thought I think that the water was because I was thirsty and to be fair I did have a swig but my motives as usual were a little more devious. Once he was in position and secured I tied a rope to his balls and slung it over a beam. I then suspended the water container from the other end of the rope, thereby making a very nice weight which dragged on his balls. It dragged even more if you gave the bottle a bit of a swing. It was time to work on the other half now. See part three for how I went about that.


  1. Hey Sir, That pain pig needs a long thick steel sounding rod inserted into his urethra. Nothing more pleasurable for a slave to have his dick fucked from the inside to pleasure his master. Hold it in hard as he cums to not allow his seed to escape or watch the rod shoot out with the force of his cum. Whatever pleases master most.

  2. You will see that I used a vibrating sounding rod on him in the last part of this blog. I also used the pin wheels on the outside of his cock at the same time. I will make the final post later this week

  3. Keep the rod deep in him and ruin his orgasm.

  4. I edged him for quite a long time with the vibrating rod and kept running the pin wheels up and down his shaft. He was allowed a full orgasm after such a good effort
