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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Pegs are too good just for clothes. Many times in the past I have talked about putting pegs on slaves. I thought we might look at the possibilities of this in more detail. Pegs are a very intense tool to use on slaves and also for once a very cheap item to purchase. When clipped onto parts of the body they provide very intense discomfort, when flicked they provide a surge of pain and when removed create a flood of very sharp pain. Best of all is they create no damage.
Pegs come in various forms but by far the best are old fashioned and very cheap wooden pegs. They are superior to more modern plastic pegs as they have more grip and are less likely to come off. I also have normal size ones as well as smaller ones used for hanging Christmas cards. Both are good and have a place in your bag of tricks. The obvious place to start is by placing pegs around the slaves dicklet. If they have a foreskin then a ring of them around that. My record is eight around a foreskin and so the challenge is out there for those wanting to try to beat that. The next and more intense place is around the edge of the head of the slave sausage. It is sometimes hard to get the pegs to stay on here but persevere as its worth the effort. Next is around the eye of the worm. This is where the little pegs really come into their own. Usually you can fit at least two normal pegs on the edge of the eye.
We haven't finished with the cock yet as there is still room for more pegs. There is a very sensitive nerve which runs down the centre of the bottom of the baby batter gun. You should be able to put eight or more down an average size prick. To round it off you can also put them down the sides and top as well. A ring of pegs around the balls is also good and looks pretty if done neatly. Under the balls all the way to the arse hole is very sensitive to peg therapy and there is plenty of space for lots. A row of pegs down the inside of the thighs will spread the pleasure - for you. Up the sides of the body is also good for a laugh and gives you plenty to jiggle to add that little bit extra to the effect. You can aslso insert a few around the rim of the belly button as long as its an 'inny' rather than an 'outie'.
Moving up to nipples is very intense for some. I have noticed there is a lot of difference in the sensitiveness of nipples between guys. Asians seem to have a nerve which goes straight from the nipples to their cocks which brings on an instant hard on, where as to other guys it seems to have no effect. Not only should pegs go on the nipples but also along the muscle which runs from under the nipple up to the arm pits. Arm pits are also sensitive so a few pegs around the pit is also good unless your wearing them. Don't forget the slaves face either as lips nose and ears are all good perches for a peg collection. A few across the eye brows will stop a slave scowling, around the chin stops smiling and a few on the tongue stops talking. As the old and very true saying goes 'slaves should be seen and not heard'. A rule I like to enforce with slaves.

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