
My photo
I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Monday 18 June 2018

Straight from the slaves mouth. Recently slave 3 was sent to another Master for a session. This is how it went. I was taken to the local fetish club. I had detailed instructions I had to follow prior to meeting the Master at his house. It was quite a long list. One. I was ordered to be shaved and so pubes and chest hair was removed. Oops forgot the arm pits. Not a good start. Two. Don't wear underwear. No problem except it is winter in Melbourne at the moment. Three. Wear loose pants like shorts. Damn there is that winter thing again. I am going to struggle to find my nuts, how embarrassing. Four. Wear a zip up jacket and no shirt. Did I mention it was winter. Doesn't this Master go out side at all! Five. Wear my leather chest harness. That's not going to keep me much warmer. Six. Bring non sparkling drinks.
A quick stop at a service station will solve that little problem. Why was the attendant looking at me strange? Hasn't he ever seen shorts worn with a coat and chest harness. Weirdo. Seven. Be standing in respect at the door with head down and hands behind my back. Mavis next door thought I was cute and I suspect her husband Georges' next make over will include shaving of chest hair and a winter collection of shorts. Eight. Bring a jock strap and hold it in your hand. That's hardly going to keep my bloody hands warm. Nine. Bring a dogs drinking bowl. Fluffy from next door was a bit miffed about that and wanted to bite me until I gave her a bone. Ten. Bring my sex toy collection. Does this Master know how many porters I will need for that little task. Eleven. Douche you douche bag. The fun part of any gay meeting, other than a good electrocution. Its a bit like straight sex. You know you have to go down on a smelly vagina before you can get off. Twelve. Wear your chastity device but bring the key. Great it was so cold it was hard enough to find my bits, let alone wrangle them into a cock cage. I better be nice to this guy as he is fiendish. Thirteen. Do not cum for two days prior. This is going to hit my left hand really hard and I am going to be careful how I broach this conversation. Fourteen. Sleep nude prior to the meeting. How on earth am I going to control that bloody left hand. Then to top it all off the Master decided 3 wasn't a suitable name and so I was rechristened "Fuckwit". This has such a nice friendly ring to it. He sounds like one fun dude. So armed with my collection of things I went to pick up my borrowed Master. I arrived at his house, opened my coat and adopted the respectful pose after a couple of tenuous knocks. He opened the door fairly quickly and ordered me in to the hall way. I was told to strip. OMG the house was cold and there I was nude.
In between shivers I looked around and suddenly realised I had been in this house once before but with a different guy - AWKWARD. He ran his hands over me and made sure that I had the chastity device on and tested my nipples and balls for sensitivity. I was then ordered to my knees and he opened his dressing gown to show me his large and very hard penis. I was ordered to suck it and let me tell you I didn't need a written invitation to for that little task. He only let me suck it for a couple of seconds to tempt me. I was thinking this guy was really good and devilishly clever. I was then ordered to follow him on my knees into the bath room where he was going to have a shower. I was ordered to my knees with my head bowed. Damn that meant I couldn't perve on his fabulous body. He thinks of everything this guy. While he showered away I was told to empty the dryer and washing machines behind me and restart the dryer. I was thinking that there were probably not many naked maids in this part of Melbourne but what an innovation. After he was dried I followed him to his room where I had to dress him. It is almost painful to be on your knees so close to a perfect cock and not be allowed to touch or lick. Absolute torture of the cruellest kind. Once I had him looking a million dollars in his leather, I drove him to the fetish club which I will talk about next time.


  1. What are the names of these fetish clubs? Are they real?

  2. There is only one in Melbourne that is true fetish that I know of and its called Club80

  3. Check them out for your self -

  4. All of my entries are real and all the photos were taken at real sessions. There is only one photo that is not my own in the whole blog
