
My photo
I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Straight from the slaves mouth - part two. We arrived at the kink club and went up to reception. I paid for our entry and the private room. Up we went and let our selves in to the room and got sorted. Hmmmm sorted was me getting my clothes off and standing for inspection. Master A advised that he was going to teach me some poses so that he could move me around easily. His poses are similar to Master E's but with a little bit different positioning for arms and head. We had a bit of a practise with them and then it was into it. How do I tell you about 'it'. We got to the club around 1pm and so we were already an hour in to the days activities. We didn't leave until around 5pm and so it was a good long session for the Master and a good humiliation session for me. He started by having me remove the chastity cage and then tied me to the bars on the rooms window. What a wonderful view I had of the post industrial equipment hanging from the roof and rafters. I was left there helpless for any passer bye who wanted a free feel while Master went off for a coffee and waiter. There were two who took the opportunity however one was the Master judging by the boots which was all I could see.
When he returned he untied me and announced that he needed to piss like I was responsible for it. Then it dawned on me, I was responsible for it. He had me on my knees and placed his large hard cock in my mouth and let rip with a warm stream capable of extinguishing a bush fire. I gulped and swallowed for all my worth and still it kept coming, gallon after litre after gallon. My god what size bladder does this guy have? He must be some kind of bladder freak attached to a fire hose. Have I accidentally put my lips around an aqueduct? Eventually he finished with a couple of last squirts and I was able to resume breathing. I was a bit dazed after this and so I am a bit vague about the order of what happened next but as I remember he had me give his cute little sphincter a good reaming with my tongue, as well as his nipples. Once he needed a break we went for a walk around the club. Him in his leathers and me following totally nude except for a leather collar.
There were not many punters in the club at this time except for a few desperate and dateless types with arms like octopuses. There were a few who checked me out visually but none went the grope. Grow some balls you losers. If I was confronted by a naked slave I would have made sure I asked the Master to let me check out the merchandise. Back in the room I was once again put to work on the Masters sensitive bits. This time with my hands as I gave him a massage from head to toe and all bits in between. Eventually after having done the front I had him turn over and I did the back. OMG that cute little butt hole kept winking at me until just at the end I couldn't resist it and dove in head first up to my ears for another taste. Yummy is all I can say. He then had me service his various fun bits with my tongue and hands. Apparently Mastering builds up piss as he needed yet another piss. So onto my knees and placed his cock in my mouth and waited for the stream to begin. God help me if it didn't throw me on my arse. At one point it burst out the side of my mouth and I was looking for a couple of little Dutch guys to put their fingers in the holes to stop the leakage. Master wasn't happy and I had to clean it up and warned for next time. Master then got out a set of nipple clamps and put them on my little buds. OMG where did he get the fucking crocodile. The savage little clamps gave me a piercing as well as a conniption. I had them on for at least an hour but Master seemed to think it was more like three seconds. Time for another wander around the club.
Off we went in our little procession with me following naked behind Master. We found a guy in one of the rooms in a sling in just a jock strap and shirt. I was ordered to go please him. So I wrangled his less than spectacular sausage out and started to suck it like a gold fish on speed. Master sidled up to the other end (although there wasn't much difference) and gave him his cock to suck. As a result of all this activity it was clear that not much was happening and so we went off and had a coffee. With all the coffee and piss I was drinking it was my turn to piss. Master with an evil smile on his face made me piss kneeling down at the urinal. Back in the room I was ordered to get back into sucking and handling his sexy bits. At one point he ordered me to shackle his hands to the frame of the sling. I did this and then said 'Now its my turn to be Master bitch'. The look on his face was priceless but I wouldn't recommend any of you slaves out there trying this with your Master, unless you know he has a sense of humour. I quickly recommenced pleasuring him in case his sense of humour dried up. What was I thinking when I suggested a coffee before, as now Master wanted yet another piss. Back on my knees, in went his cock and yet another piss stream capable of blowing a hole in the back of my head. I gulped, I swallowed, I slurped and gagged until every drop was swallowed. What is it with this guys bladder? Surely it must be extendable or he must have two or three. Fortunately I didn't need the little Dutch boys fingers this time or I would have been licking piss off the stale cum covered floor. As the day drew to a close, Master lay back on the sling and I used my newly acquired sucking skills to drain his balls of baby batter. This was not the end of the day however. Once I dropped him off at his place I was made to strip again and this time he used my back as a foot stool while he watched television. When he got sick of that he had me provide a long massage to his feet. Eventually I was released to go home at around 7pm after seven hours of serving the borrowed Master. A fun day had by all.

Monday 18 June 2018

Straight from the slaves mouth. Recently slave 3 was sent to another Master for a session. This is how it went. I was taken to the local fetish club. I had detailed instructions I had to follow prior to meeting the Master at his house. It was quite a long list. One. I was ordered to be shaved and so pubes and chest hair was removed. Oops forgot the arm pits. Not a good start. Two. Don't wear underwear. No problem except it is winter in Melbourne at the moment. Three. Wear loose pants like shorts. Damn there is that winter thing again. I am going to struggle to find my nuts, how embarrassing. Four. Wear a zip up jacket and no shirt. Did I mention it was winter. Doesn't this Master go out side at all! Five. Wear my leather chest harness. That's not going to keep me much warmer. Six. Bring non sparkling drinks.
A quick stop at a service station will solve that little problem. Why was the attendant looking at me strange? Hasn't he ever seen shorts worn with a coat and chest harness. Weirdo. Seven. Be standing in respect at the door with head down and hands behind my back. Mavis next door thought I was cute and I suspect her husband Georges' next make over will include shaving of chest hair and a winter collection of shorts. Eight. Bring a jock strap and hold it in your hand. That's hardly going to keep my bloody hands warm. Nine. Bring a dogs drinking bowl. Fluffy from next door was a bit miffed about that and wanted to bite me until I gave her a bone. Ten. Bring my sex toy collection. Does this Master know how many porters I will need for that little task. Eleven. Douche you douche bag. The fun part of any gay meeting, other than a good electrocution. Its a bit like straight sex. You know you have to go down on a smelly vagina before you can get off. Twelve. Wear your chastity device but bring the key. Great it was so cold it was hard enough to find my bits, let alone wrangle them into a cock cage. I better be nice to this guy as he is fiendish. Thirteen. Do not cum for two days prior. This is going to hit my left hand really hard and I am going to be careful how I broach this conversation. Fourteen. Sleep nude prior to the meeting. How on earth am I going to control that bloody left hand. Then to top it all off the Master decided 3 wasn't a suitable name and so I was rechristened "Fuckwit". This has such a nice friendly ring to it. He sounds like one fun dude. So armed with my collection of things I went to pick up my borrowed Master. I arrived at his house, opened my coat and adopted the respectful pose after a couple of tenuous knocks. He opened the door fairly quickly and ordered me in to the hall way. I was told to strip. OMG the house was cold and there I was nude.
In between shivers I looked around and suddenly realised I had been in this house once before but with a different guy - AWKWARD. He ran his hands over me and made sure that I had the chastity device on and tested my nipples and balls for sensitivity. I was then ordered to my knees and he opened his dressing gown to show me his large and very hard penis. I was ordered to suck it and let me tell you I didn't need a written invitation to for that little task. He only let me suck it for a couple of seconds to tempt me. I was thinking this guy was really good and devilishly clever. I was then ordered to follow him on my knees into the bath room where he was going to have a shower. I was ordered to my knees with my head bowed. Damn that meant I couldn't perve on his fabulous body. He thinks of everything this guy. While he showered away I was told to empty the dryer and washing machines behind me and restart the dryer. I was thinking that there were probably not many naked maids in this part of Melbourne but what an innovation. After he was dried I followed him to his room where I had to dress him. It is almost painful to be on your knees so close to a perfect cock and not be allowed to touch or lick. Absolute torture of the cruellest kind. Once I had him looking a million dollars in his leather, I drove him to the fetish club which I will talk about next time.

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Public humiliation of a slave. There is nothing like a bit of public humiliation of a slave to really get them worked up but I have a few rules. The main rule is that whatever I do out in the wilds of suburbia should not upset the general public. Gays get such a bad wrap from some areas of the public and so I don't want to give them excuses for further prejudice.
The benefits of outside play revolve around the pressure of being caught or observed. The slave only has to think there is a chance of getting caught, to get their heart racing even if the chances are very slim of it occurring. As a consequence I like to take slaves to areas where I am familiar with the lie of the land but it is new to them. If you know the lie of the land you can pick isolated spots or locations where you can get warning of the approach of people preferably without the slave knowing. One slave I drove to a deserted country road. He didn't know it was to a dead end and so there was going to be limited traffic during the week. I ordered him out of the car.
I ordered him out of the car. He was owed some punishment and so I had determined it would be now on the road. I had him stand at the rear of my ute with his hands spread above his head. He then had his hands tied to the rear roof racks of the car so he was spread eagle. I then reached around to his horror and undid his pants and pulled them and his underwear down so he was bare arsed. I then gave his butt a working over with my leather belt. He had been late when I went to pick him up and hadn't done what he was told to do.
I have written in the past on making numerous slaves strip naked on my front door step. This is a calculated risk as my front door step is reasonably private but if some one is looking in the right direction they may see that something is going on even if its not the full nude show. I have also had a slave do naked tasks in my backyard. This is also a calculated risk. My neighbours could look over the fence but it is highly unlikely. Same for the slave I staked out spread eagle in my backyard. He was there for quite awhile so the risk increases but I mitigate it by having him partially obscured behind a tree. I have done some things in shopping centres and the like but on those occasions it looked more weird to the casual viewer, rather than sexual. A few push ups in the street seems like guys carrying on, wearing a collar - just another punk etc, but all deeply affecting the slave. Other less obvious things to do in the street include just having them wear no underwear, a butt plug or some ball restricting device. All of which effects the slave but is unobservable to the casual passer bye - unless of course the slave gets an erection because of the rubbing associated without wearing underwear. Try it and let me know what was the result.

Thursday 7 June 2018

If I was on a desert island. I recently had a discussion with a fellow Master about what things we would take to a desert island if we were stranded with a slave. This generated much discussion and we came up with a few things which were felt were necessary. Spookily enough these items would be what we would recommend to a new Master who was just starting out.
The first thing is get a big strong slave. Strong arms and legs designed for work or else you know who will be doing all the work in paradise and that just would not do.
The second thing you will need is rope and plenty of it. I would also get two different thicknesses. The thicker one for tying up limbs and the thinner rope for tying balls and cocks. Rope will have many uses on a deserted island such as to tie your hut together, make a clothes line, to make and tether your raft, traps for game, to restrain your slave, and so you can suspend a basket from his balls so that his whole body is used to carry things.
The third thing we would take would be pegs. These allow you to hang your clothes to dry after a swim in the lagoon. They are also useful for keeping your slaves attention on you and will provide hours of entertainment.
The final thing we would take would be a paddle to make sure that we had something to fan the fire into life as well as to keep order with the slave.

Friday 1 June 2018

Where are the repeats? I was recently having lunch with slave 4 who was visiting from interstate and he asked me why I didn't write up meetings with my regular slaves. This got me thinking then about a range of issues. How many slaves do I have and what is regular? To be honest I have no idea how many slaves I have. I have about four who live interstate and only see whenever we are in the same city.
We do correspond reasonably regularly although some times they drop off for awhile. I have a couple of local slaves who I will fairly regularly meet but it might be only four or five times a year. Then there are some who come to play maybe three or four times and then disappear never to be seen again. There is always a smattering of slaves who come once for a session and then never come again. This is OK as I am happy to make peoples fantasies come true. For a lot of them the fantasy is better than the reality. Some times I get to use a slave for a specific purpose, on the behest of their normal Master who wants to broaden their out look. There are also a number I correspond with who I probably will never meet. Some are based overseas while others are local but just like to talk about being a slave without actually trying it for themselves. While on the subject I have readers from all over the globe and from some pretty exotic places. I have a strong readership based in Russia, Germany, USA and the United Kingdom but also have regular readers from places like South Africa, Belize, Singapore, Ireland, and Taiwan to name a few. So why don't I write more about the slaves who I meet on a regular basis? Well I do write about some more than others to be sure. I regularly write about slave 4 who lives interstate. We both travel to each others cities with work a few times a year and communicate about our lives daily.
I like writing about him because he is a big part of my life and he is willing albeit grudgingly at times to follow me into new adventures. He also has the most intense reactions to my ministrations and so I get a lot out of our meetings. Others I may write about only once or twice. Sometimes it is because they only visit once but quite often its because they have very specific fetishes and so it is boring to write that we did the same as the last four times. This doesn't mean I find the sessions boring its just that you can only slice it and dice it in a limited number of ways. Therefore most of my posts involve some element that is new. As I have highlighted in the past I am very creative and so I am quite often able to put a new twist on an old path, in which case I might write about a number of these sessions but not all. At the end of the day I want the slave to get to live their fantasies, even if it borders on the same each visit. I am also limited by slaves own wishes. Most only want the standard slave training session which involves a bit of nakedness, bondage, humiliation and edging. I have to keep in mind that this is a big thing for some slaves and even though its just another day to me, these events can be very profound for a new slave. I want to promote slavery not scare them half to death.