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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Rolling along. Balls were a great invention and placing them outside the body makes them a great sex toy. Having said that, the greatest procreators of all (rabbits) have theirs on the inside and it doesn't stop their fun. As I have mentioned before I am not into pain for the sake of pain.
Nothing however says you are the boss more than having a slave hand over control of his balls for someone elses enjoyment. There is lots that can be done in this area of play. I recently had a slave who stated he was into CBT and so I put him to the test and hung progressively larger weights from his balls finishing with the metal stool in the first picture. Once the balls are stretched with weights it would be remiss not to swing them a bit to magnify the impact. As I have mentioned in the past water makes a great weight. I litre of water weighs 1 kg and so your average bucket weighs 9 kg. It can be added to or subtracted from for incremental effects. I am a big fan of slaves wearing chastity devices even if I am not putting them in chastity. I think the constant pressure on the balls is a great way to keep the Master as the centre of their focus even when apart. This can also be achieved by having the balls stretched with more commercial products or even a large padlock snapped around the balls as a weight. A padlock is a significant weight and so stretches the balls but also can be locked in place. Be very careful snapping the lock closed as they do tend to draw blood if done carelessly. A few loops of rope around balls is also good but it is hard to ensure that it stays on when they are out of your sight.
In the second picture you will see that I have tied the slaves arms. Then his balls have been tied to a roof beam with enough pressure to make sure that he was uncomfortable and had to go on tippy toes to relieve the strain. Tippy toes of course also produces stress and so the slave has to decide whether his balls or his feet need a rest. Balls are also nice targets for a wack or hit. It really doesn't require a lot of force to get the slaves attention with a wack. This can be coupled with stretches and squeezes all of which provide avenues for use as punishment. When is it too hard. This will vary from slave to slave as some balls are quite sensitive while others seem to be almost numb. As a general rule I continue until the slave voice raises by an octave and you get that squeaky cry. Dropping to knees can also be the slave trying to get out of the punishment and so I prefer to listen for the voice change. Another form of CBT is the use of chemicals containing menthol such as liniments. These work on any sensitive skin and can have effects on nipples, cocks, arse holes as well as balls. Another variation of this is tooth paste applied with a tooth brush to the balls and cock. One other way of applying ball pressure is make them wear underwear which is a size too small. As with all these ball treatments they need to be limited if there is a chance it is going to restrict circulation. Balls can also be part of games. I have placed slaves in front of me with their arms tied behind their backs. Another Master and myself then had a game of target practise with rubber bands. One point for cock or nipples and two points for balls. For this game I like to have the slave wear a belt to hold his cock erect above his balls so that both targets are visible. For dog handlers out there tie a rope around your pups balls and then throw a ball for him. Vary the length of the rope so he doesn't know how long it is going to be each throw. Nothing like watching a pup stopped mid ball chase. I hope I have given you a few ideas. Enjoy.

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