
My photo
I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Sunday 15 October 2017

The train tease. I thought today I would share a story about an encounter that I had which was not based on the Master/slave construct. I thought I would like to point out that sometimes the most erotic of encounters is with the mind rather than the physical body. This does directly relate to the Master/slave construct and is what any good Master tries to achieve. I have had slaves so scared by their own imagination that you could smell it in the air and they were totally unable to achieve an erection.
On the other hand I have had slaves who were so turned on by the prospect of some activity that their cock was rigid like a steel beam and pulsing at the mere thought. The event I want to talk about happened a year ago over a period of a month. I am a creature of habit and tend to catch the same train and enter the same carriage every night on my way home from work. Normally I will have a look around the carriage and check out the spunks. Its normally crowded and so there is generally a couple worthy of a detailed review. On this particular occasion there was a very hot Asian guy. While checking him out he caught me staring and smiled. What a smile it was too. Big and generous, with white teeth and an innate cheekiness about it. He then looked away which was a little odd. This was good as I could continue to size him up with out being self conscious of my staring.
And then he started. It was all very subtle and to the casual eye it would have been nothing but as we had shared that smile I realised that it was for my entertainment. First he lifted the front of his T-shirt and showed me his flat belly. Slowly he traced that line of hair down from his navel to just under the top of his pants. To the other passengers it was him scratching his belly but I knew differently. Then a few moments later he started to lick his lips slowly and sensuously. Running his tongue over first his top lip and then his bottom lip. All was not over as he brought his hand over the front of his pants and squeezed slightly so I could see the out line of his package. And so it went on. All the time he was looking else where, with only the slyest looks to gauge my reactions. Eventually he got off the train and left me with a very nice smile and a very hard erection. This was not the end of it. Every two or three days he would appear in my train carriage and the teasing would go on. Some times it was the lifting up of the shirt, the hand in the pocket playing with himself, the cheeky smile and once he even had an open fly and would open it up with a hand in his pocket; so I could get a peak of his underwear. I often thought about following him off the train but he got off at different stations making it hard to anticipate. In the end I decided it was better left as a fantasy. Then all of a sudden he stopped appearing. After maybe a month he was no more than a very pleasant memory.

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