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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Training. When training slaves I normally expect slaves to only respond when asked. If I have a live in slave it is obviously different and there has to be quite a lot of too and fro conversation to keep the household functioning. When ever I get a response from a slave I normally expect them to agree with me and this is reflected in their answers generally. The question though is the answer what they really think or are they just giving me what I want to hear?
I have pondered this question quite a bit of late and it strikes me as almost impossible to determine one way or the other the amount of sincerity in a response from a slave. The point of training a slave is to mould the slave to conform with your requirements. To educate them on how you want things done, to allow them to anticipate your needs, so they can proactively try to please you without always being asked. Training is also to shape their thinking so that they willingly come to the conclusion that they are inferior and the only way of achieving personal worth is to please the Master. So is it important for a slave to really agree with the Master rather than just going along with his views? After much thinking I have reached the conclusion that it doesn't really matter. The Masters training is to point the way to the slave. If the slave recognises the correct way and responds and acts accordingly then I think the training is having the desired effect. I think if the slave doesn't totally commit to the Masters view then it is not totally ideal however as long as outwardly it appears so then I think the training is progressing. I have reached the conclusion that this is an intermediate phase of a slaves training and merely indicates the need for more training. I think it is positive and indicates the slaves desire to please you. I think if you can get to the final phase where the slave is totally dependent on your views, pleasure and feedback to achieve a sense of worth then you can consider the training over and move to a maintenance regime. This needs to be carefully handled as a maintenance regime could become very boring. In order to prevent this then the slaves maintenance regime needs to be constantly reviewed and constantly invigorated to keep it challenging. By this time the hard work has been done and the Master will have a very good idea of how his slave thinks and operates. One of the easiest ways of keeping the maintenance regime interesting might be to take a second slave and have the first slave assist in the training. Most slaves never quite get to this phase but it is certainly what all Masters should be aiming to develop in a slave.

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