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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Friday, 30 December 2016

Cages. The caging of a slave has many uses and benefits. There are cages and also cages which will also change the effect for the slave. The big bastard. The big bastard is needed when you expect the slave to sleep in a cage. It needs to be big enough for him to stretch out and sleep. It sounds nice and tough to say they don't need all that room as they are only slaves but in the real world they have to be rested enough to be able to work. For safety you need to be able to release the door quickly in the event of a fire. I personally don't lock the door as I don't want to have to wake up when the slave bleats about needing a piss. It is also good that they can get out in the morning and make my cup of tea without me having to get out of bed. I use the bars as psychological imprisonment most of the time. It can be used for slave time out to think about their actions but there are better ways of achieving that with other cages. There are down sides to having a cage in the room. What do you do with it when mum visits. It can also be off putting when you have been successful in picking up a vanilla sex god. I am not adverse to forbidding the slave from leaving the cage over night. I am happy to put them in nappies or make them use a bottle. If the cage is somewhere like a garage then you could just make them piss or shit themselves. It is hard work being a Master as there are so many decisions to make.
The oh so squeezy. The oh so squeezy is a much smaller cage and it is designed to make the slave very uncomfortable. It is tight and there is no room to stretch out or turn around. This is the most effective way of giving a slave time out to think about their poor service. For this I use a large dog transporter cage. It is made out of plastic with a wire grill door. It can be locked but the door latch is placed so that it is very difficult for the slave to manipulate it anyway. To get in the slave has to crawl in backwards and once in cannot turn around. This is portable and so I can take it with me in the car, light so it can be lifted easily by one person or dare I say slave and weather proof so it can be left outside no problems. If mum comes over just tell her its for the dog. I can leave a slave in there wallowing in their piss and shit for as long as I want without it ruining the rugs and then it can be easily cleaned. I can also place it in my lounge room with the wire grill door facing me so I can watch both the TV and my slave enjoying their seclusion time. Being plastic with a wire grill door I can also throw buckets of cold water over the slave to add to their pleasure. The only disadvantage I see with this cage is that due to its tight size there are limits to how long a slave can be left in there to contemplate.
The wire wonderland. The wire wonderland is as its name suggests made of wire. Mine currently has a cover over it as I was using it to transport slave 8 around the farm on a wet day. The wire has a number of benefits. It is bigger than 'the oh so squeezy' but smaller than the 'big bastard'. It is still too small for the slave to stretch out but they can turn around. It is wire and so they can see in all directions which is not necessarily desirable. I find that slaves imaginations can run riot if they hear activity but can't see whats actually going on. Be it sex, a flogging or even just talking to a stranger; the slaves imagination will go into over drive if they can only listen. This cage is wire so it will rust if you leave it out side. Being wire though means you can have the slave back up onto any implement or body part you want. You can easily make it into a 'oh so squeezy' just by pushing a few rods through the wire at spots to restrict their movement. The good visibility into the cage does mean that you can totally supervise their position and actions without having to leave your chair.
I have seen another cage on the internet which was of wire construction and completely formed around the slave so that he was permanently in a kneeling position poised for sex with who ever required relief. This is a bit extreme though and would be way to expensive for the average Master as it would have to be individually made for each slave. It would also have very limited time usage before the slave started to have health issues with circulation.

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