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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Its a rough world out there boys.

Just recently I have had discussions with a couple of guys who were very enthusiastic about providing sex services for Masters.
Also shall we say were very demanding about being used as a sex object, with out any form of protection. Now I know some of you are going blather on about the use of prep however I don't think in either case they were actually on prep. In the old days there were a couple of guys I encountered who were called at the time bugchasers or just plain chasers. These guys wanted to get HIV+ and tried to have unprotected sex with infected guys. In those days it was a terminal sport and seemed to literally die out. Now adays with the advances in medicine we are seeing HIV+ guys live long and full lives, supported by a little tablet.
As a consequence there are a lot of guys having unprotected sex based on taking prep and a lot who think that getting HIV+ is not so bad because you only need to take a tablet. Let me say that prep is a great advance as it provides protection from HIV when used correctly. Here in lies the kicker. Are you sure that your long term partner of one night is taking prep correctly, are you taking it correctly and what about the rest of the magnificent kaleidoscope of unusual and painful, sexually transmitted diseases for which it provides no protection. So you get HIV+ whats the big deal.
Nothing if you pick it up in time but then you are dependent on a tablet to live. What happens if at some point in your life you can't afford the little tablet. One thing this COVID-19 pandemic has shown is that things can change rapidly when the world has an unusual event. What happens if you can't get that little tablet because of our borders being closed because of some unusual event like a war, tsunami, or earthquake. What happens when you get older and you have to have cocktails of chemicals to keep you alive and your little tablet reacts poorly to the pharmacuetical plethora. What happens if you are allergic to the little tablet. It's to late once you have the disease as I am not sure there are a lot of other options. Just a few random thoughts from someone who hates taking tablets. Watch out you don't get a dose of the crabs as they are on the increase along with all the other STD's and the down turn in condom use.

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