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I am a Master who is white, 58, fit and fabulous. I have a variety of slaves ranged from 19 to 50. I am strict but fair and do not discriminate against any particular race. Having said that my favorite flavour is black or asian. If there is any copy right material on this site let me know and it will be removed.

Monday 13 November 2023

A fantasy role play with slave 100.

The following role play was totally consensual, pre-arranged and the drugs mentioned were tic-tacs. Mr J needed a check up with a doctor but his usual clinic had closed and so he was looking for a new doctor.
All the doctors in the town had a full list and Mr J was having trouble getting an appointment. Out of desperation he managed to get an appointment in a clinic located in the seedier part of town, with Dr Jekyl. Mr J arrived on time and was welcomed into the waiting room by the male receptionist. He was given a form to fill out about his medical history and told to fill it out while the receptionist went off to find Dr Jekyl. When Dr Jekyl came in and introduced himself he looked strangely like the receptionist but with different clothes and glasses.
Maybe its a family run clinic? The examination started with a review of the medical history form and then Mr J was asked to remove all his clothes except for his underwear. Dr Jekyl came and did a very thorough examination of his body. He measured his height, and general body dimensions. He then weighed him on the scales and recorded all the information on the form. Next he had his blood pressure measured and then out came the stethoscope. Dr Jekyl sounded very professional but all the way through the examination he seemed to need to run his hands all over Mr J's body. Leaving his underwear on was really a waste of time as Dr Jekyl boldly pulled them down at the front and manhandled Mr J's balls and penis. He pulled the foreskin right back and made a really inappropriate comment about the pre-cum oozing from his penis when he took a swab of his urethra. Mr J was starting to get a little worried about Dr Jekyl's professional manner, when he grabbed him by the balls and got him to look to either side and cough. This all seemed a little bit unusual and Mr J questioned the need for all this considering that he just wanted a check up and something to help him relax. Dr Jekyl gave Mr J a couple of tablets to take which he said would help him relax but warned they may cause some drowsiness. Next Dr Jekyl got Mr J to do some toe touches and made him do them fairly quickly. At least he wasn't running his hands over Mr J and so he was happy to do as many toe touches as needed. This exercise seemed to make him very tired and he needed to sit down and all went blank. When he woke up again he found he couldn't move his hands as they had been bound in rope. When Dr Jekyl saw that Mr J was awake and asking questions, he told him to shut up which didn't seem like the professional behaviour he was used to receiving. He rolled Mr J over and gave his arse a few solid hits with a paddle. This only made Mr J make more noise and so Dr Jekyl put this mystery bottle under his nose and forced him to breath in its heady vapours. For the next extended but unknown period of time he would go unconscious and every time he came around the mystery bottle would be applied to just under his nose. In the few lucid moments he found that Dr Jekyl was edging him and keeping him hard. Another time he felt him feeling his prostate with at least one finger. A little later he found that Dr Jekyl was sticking something hard and long in his arse and working it in and out. The worst was waking up and feeling like Dr Jekyl had his whole weight on him and he was trying to fuck him with something long and hard. Dr Jekyl was determined to get a sperm sample from Mr J. Mr J protested that he didn't want to give Dr Jekyl anything. Dr Jekyl advised him that he needed sperm for an experiment and that Mr J wasn't going home until he gave him enough for his experiment. Mr J pleaded to be released and reminded the doctor that what he was doing was illegal. The doctor gave a mad threatening laugh and edged on and on and completely ignored the bleating's of his patient. The crazy doctor was clearly not going to release Mr J until he had his way and so Mr J relaxed and gave him the desired sample after being assured that he would be released afterwards. It was a huge sample which was clearly the result of a few days abstinence and an extended edging.

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